Back to Business!

Well everyone, I want to apologize for not being active with my blog over the past couple of months. I'm going to be updating it regularly from now on though. I'm still going to be bringing you all great business and marketing tips. Now I think I'll also throw a little something else into the mix by bringing you some important business news as well. 

I hope my readers aren't to dissapointed with me for my lack of motivation in the past to keep this going. But I am here to reassure you that things are going to change. I hope you all enjoy my future postings.

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Steve Rodgers said...


I it would be great to read your guide to sole proprietorship. I've done it here the UK for quite a while and it's a shame it isn't discussed more often.

People looking for IT Project Managers like such a charateristic in a person.

But then you don't get to be your own boss.