Targeting the Right Traffic to Your Site

Well, I realized I've been posting quite a bit on how to start businesses, but have neglected some marketing aspects of this blog. So for todays post, we're going to explore on ways to gain traffic to your website.

Most businesses these days have a web page. It's almost an obsolete feature of a business not to have a website these days. The internet allows so many people to view your business and products with ease, comfort, and of course speed. Why not offer this option to your consumers?

The main reason a lot of businesses don't even bother is because they can't seem to make sales. Why could this be? They're driving the wrong people to their websites. So how can you market your website?

Here are some beginning pointers I can give you for promoting a new site.
1. Link Referral - Link referral is a great site that enables people to view your site under the given categories. In order to achieve higher ranks, and overall more traffic from this site, you need to view others, write reviews, and mainly stay active. You can easily start pulling in 30-50 hits a day with this useful web tool and expect them to all be unique visitors.

2. Article Submission - Submitting articles about what your site is offering, service or product, will expose your site to many new audiences. Keep in mind, only good articles work. So take your time writing the articles, because overall, that's how people will view your site as well. Chances are, you wont realize huge traffic changes in the beginning. But if you keep up with the articles and keep publishing new ones with different content, people will catch on, trust me.
Below are some article submission sites that I would advise for a beginning website:
a) Go Articles - A great article submission site that has an easy to use system. Must register to use of course. Also limited HTML tags are permitted in the articles you can submit unless you upgrade your account.
b) Ezine Articles - This is probably the BEST article submission site out there right now. I'd advise getting acquainted with this one before using others.
c) Article Dashboard - Honestly, I've personally never messed around with this submission site yet. However, I do have friends who have used it and I've heard nothing but good things. So you might want to check it out.

3. Adding Your Site To Search Engines - This is probably one of the biggest things you need to do of all. You need to add your website to to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
The links where you can do that are below:
1) Add your URL to Google Search
2) Add your URL to Yahoo Search
3) Add your URL to MSN/Live Search

I hope this will help you with your online experience of getting visitors to your site. Tomorrow I will be posting the 2-post segment part of the business plan in financing. I will also extend on this topic some more tomorrow in a separate post.

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diane said...

Great suggestions for getting traffic. I would also suggest being active in forums that are about your niche and put the website URL in your signature

Jesse said...

Of course.. Another great way is to put your link in a signature in your email.

giojahn said...

great help for newbies like me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great tips!

Thanks for sharing that one..

I've always heard about Link Referral but haven't tried it yet.. I will try it for sure!

. said...

thanks for info about getting more traffic, because at present I still being promote my bloge,so if you another tips for this, please posting early,thanks so much

Anonymous said...

thanx for everything.. I jst hope that I get lots of traffick.. very constructive and solid advice...


[plz visit and comment in my blog]

Darmawan said...

I'm still a newbie in blogging
And the hardest part is to attract visitors to your blog, I'll try some of your suggestions and hope it'll work well

Anonymous said...

great post, i've write something similar to this.

good work

Anonymous said...

nice blog to visit

TribalArtery said...

These are helpful tips. Adding to them, another free article distributor is at

Only drawback is that all these free article sites embed advertising links in your manuscript when they approve and upload it.

I use C4R to promote my blog at

Take a look.

Jesse said...

Thanks for all the great and constructive comments everyone! Always appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

i love all your information.... i will subscribe your blog...

Anonymous said...

Superb! The way you input all the post was great! Color codings are really matching the aim of your blog! great going! All the best! ;D

Anonymous said...

A couple of items I never heard of before so I will try them out thanks for info.

Anonymous said...

nice post.. you have explained it very well and nice tips.. : )

Anonymous said...


Nice article. On same topic i have also published one article at

May be you would like to visit.

Anonymous said...

Some great pointers, I would also say getting out there and plugging your site is key as well!

Sherin Devassy said...

Good suggestions. It is proven that any action with sole dedication will finally come to huge successes. I have realized that.... good post


Anonymous said...

nice tips... also one more point is you can add link to your email signature. after that join huge groups on yahoo or any other provider and send nice mails to that group. you will surely get great traffic.