JB Media Opening Forums!
That's correct. We are going to be opening our own free forum board so people from the blog can interact with each other on marketing, sales, affiliate programs, and much more in the business sector. If anyone would like to join my forums, feel free to do so below.This forums is brand new, so don't be discouraged since it isn't even closed to being finished yet. There is still a lot of work needed to be done with it, and currently I'm the only member on it. I'd love to help people out with my advise and also receive advise in return. Why not exchange our thoughts a bit on the forums then?
I will be adding a "Room For Improvement" board on the forums where users can also post if they feel that a certain area is not being covered that needs to be. The whole point of this system is to network with other people who are doing the same things as ourselves.
You know what they say anyways, "You are who you surround yourself with". So let's surround ourselves with people in the same area of expertise and professionalism.
Join me today
JB Media Connections Forum Boards